Hire Better, Faster and Smarter with SmartSearch

JobRobotix and SmartSearch have partnered to bring staffing firms of all sizes the ability to drive bottom line ROI and close more staffing opportunities through out VMS to ATS integration.  SmartSearch powered by JobRobotix VMS Integration saves your staff time by eliminating all of the tedious, manual job data entry.   It also means Faster Jobs and Faster Placements for your recruiting team.

Eliminate Data Errors

JobRobotix automation ensures job orders are created correctly every time in SmartSearch. Redundancies and errors waste staff valuable time, driving up labor costs.

Automate Data Mapping
Our data mapping and data normalization technology gives you the flexibility to standardize VMS data values across all your vendors.   
Fill Jobs Faster
Gone are the days of having to switch screens & copy/paste to manually enter in the latest VMS orders on websites or job boards. JobRobotix works 24/7 so your opportunities can reach potential candidates the moment the job record is processed.
Immediate ROI
Reduced labor costs from JobRobotix data automation improves your bottom line.
Vendor Integrations

With the largest number of “out of the box” vendor integrations you can quickly forward new job and cancellation orders from various VMS platforms.

JobRobotix vendor integrations work with numerous formats, such as text, emails or spreadsheets, minimizing adoption time for staff as they use their preferred formats of choice. Leverage your SmartSearch capabilities to then match talent against JobRobotix created job records.

Win back hours in your team's day

Streamline job data collection & eliminate manual processes

Turn-key VMS automation and real-time data delivery.

Up-to-the-minute reporting so you know when data was last collected and how many new opportunities became available.

Fully customizable rules allow you to standardize job fields as needed in your ATS or CRM.

Enhanced marketing capabilities allow you to create multiple job description templates and include dynamic pay packages for jobs.

Have questions about how JobRobotix and SmartSearch can help you?